1.Title:- Disaster Management System using Smart Phones
Authors:- Kethineni Keerthi, Appisetty Pavan Kumar, Narni Siva Srinivas, Katta Venkata Sai Tharun, Jajula Bhuvaneswara Rao
College:- QIS College of Engineering & Technology
PAGE NO: 1-8
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40811
2.Title:- QR Code Generator and Detector using Python
Authors:- Mr. B.Naga Raju, N.Venkatesh, G.Dhana Lakshmi, N.Sai Chand, D.Haritha
College:- QIS College of Engineering & Technology
PAGE NO: 9-16
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40812
3.Title:- Driver Drowsiness Detection System By using Python
Authors:- Mrs. M. Lavanya, Narapureddy Sravani, K. Pranaya Keerthana, V. S. V. Sarat Chandhra Pranit
College:- QIS College of Engineering & Technology
PAGE NO: 17-27
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40813
Authors:- Dr.Kanaka Durga Returi, Dr. Vaka Murali Mohan
College:- Malla Reddy College of Engineering For Women, Maisammaguda, Medchal, Hyderabad-500100, Telangana, India
PAGE NO: 28-31
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40814
5.Title:- A Review on Implementation of Affiliate trading platform using consumer response
Authors:- Vrushali Shrawan Thombre, Vaibhav Ashok Dharnidhar, Pratiksha Nirvikar Adhau, Ankita Sanjay Dhunde, Prof. Sharadha Chourasia
College:- Nagpur Institute of Technology, Nagpur.
PAGE NO: 32-34
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40815
Authors:- Ganesh Moorthy Jagadeesan, Arivoli Sundaramurthy, Senthil Kumar P , Sivapragasam J, Sathiya D e ,Perumal K
College:- KSR college of engineering. Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India
PAGE NO: 35-59
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40816
Authors:- Manimaran Naghapushanam
College:- Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu 603319, India.
Authors:- Baskaran Jeevarathinam
College:- PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
Authors:- Mahalakshni Ganapathee
College:- Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu 603308, India.
PAGE NO: 60-71
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40817
8.Title:- Influence of Deep Cryogenic Treatment on the Fatigue Strength of 100Cr6 Bearing Steel
Authors:- M. Shunmuga Priyan
College:- Loyola Institute of Technology & Science, Thovalai, Tamil Nadu, India
Authors:- R. Sri Siva
College:- Universal Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
PAGE NO: 72-77
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40818
10.Title:- FoodHarmony – Linking Lives Through Food, Integrating AI for Safe Distribution
Authors:- Senthamil Selvi R, Thanzia Z, Sree Suvetha G, Visnu Priyaa B, Shafrin Sha R S
College:- Saranathan College of Engineering, TamilNadu
PAGE NO: 101-114
DOI: 10.37897.VZIPJ.2024.V11I10.24.40820